Learn. Empower. Connect.

Empowering People To Help People

Premergency Inc.

Throughout the years, Premergency was known as a specialized training company, delivering training to Emergency Services. A decade ago, we decided to innovate the learning space through technology, and expand the reach to additional industries so that more people can be empowered.

This way, Premergency became an multidisciplinary organization dedicated to help people through Education Technology and Software as a Service (SaaS) innovation. But we didn’t stop there. Education and development involves much more than just content delivery. 

Premergency developed ALEN, a powerful Learning Management System with integrated plugins to power up strategic workflow solutions.

People & Industries

We have found incredible people across industries and beyond borders. People that help organizations grow and help other people through their work and dedication. 

Premergency serves different Critical Infrastructures powering training programs and learning platforms designed to grow alongside the user, aiming to simplify the learning and management processes and innovate workflows. 

Premegrency and ALEN became part of a journey told through different stories, different industries, but all with one goal -to grow personally, professionally and together as an organization. 

Across Industries. Beyond Borders.

ALEN allows for a global approach. Allows for communities to grow in different parts of the world and for people to develop new skills and capacities from anywhere, at any time. With a different approach to Critical Infrastructures, ALEN empowers organizations in different countries, catering to unique needs based on culture, languages, education, industry and technological advancement. 

This is a staging environment